When it comes to time-management, you often know what you need to do. But when it comes time to take action, you can't seem to feel the drive to do it. Many times I give speeches about time-management, and I often hear people say they lack the drive to take action. Recently, I gave a speech about time-management, and the issue came up again. Two of my participants said, "We know we need to set priorities, make choices etc. But when it comes to working on our business, we are not as motivated to take action towards our goals."
This news really bothered me. So I decided to take action and do some more research on the subject. Some of the information I found did not surprise me, and some did. This weekend I watched a Tony Robbins video where he spoke about why some people take massive action and others don't.
Here are 7 of the reasons why people are either motivated or not motivated to take action towards their goals. Some were revealed to me through this interesting video, and some were my own personal observations over the years.
1) FEAR: Fear is the #1 reason why people don't take action. People are afraid they will fail. I also personally noticed that people are fearful of change. Many people prefer not to take action because they feel comfortable being where they are and with what is familiar to them. The problem is remaining in your comfort-zone just keeps you stuck in the same pattern you are. When you get the courage to step out of what is familiar to you and try something new and scary, it helps you overcome your fears and opens your mind to possibilities. Tony Robbins says that all you need to do is to take very small actions. Not everyone is ready to take big massive actions. If this is the case, simply start with small ones.
2) YOUR MISSION. People don't know their why. I personally believe that before we do anything, it is important to know why we are doing it. Most people don't think about this question. Why are you selling X product? What is your goal? How can you serve people with these products? However, there is another why and it is what I personally call your life mission. I strongly believe we all have a mission on this earth, to contribute to this world in a positive way, a way that can change the world for the better. Sadly, most people don't know what theirs is. What happens is they don't have a reason to take action. When you know your mission, the reason of your existence on this earth, you naturally feel motivated, propelled and even excited to take action. In addition, your life begins to have more meaning.
3) YOUR MUST. Tony Robbins says that people need a must, meaning people need to feel they must do something. I am one of these people who believe that what I am doing is a must. I am a very self-driven person. This comes by having the determination and ambition to achieve.
4) FAITH. This means faith that whatever you are doing is possible. In the month of May this year, I gave a workshop on how to find your passion and pursue it. I had one participant who thinks she cannot realize her dream. She believes it is impossible. Since she was a young child, she was taught that her dream of being a designer cannot be realized. In the country where she lived, there were no designer schools. Unfortunately, she grew up with the false idea that it is impossible to achieve what she desired. She lived the rest of her life feeling unhappy because she felt she cannot fulfill her passion. Faith in yourself and in your dream and goals, is crucial in finding the drive to do what you desire. This is what gives you the fuel to take action. If you don't believe you can accomplish something, then you perhaps don't believe in your own capabilities. It is possible that your journey will not be easy, but there is a saying: "Whatever you conceive and believe you can achieve."-Natalie Ledwell
5) A STRONG AND DEEP DESIRE. Do you really really desire it? Whatever your goal is, do you really desire it? If you don't feel motivated to take action and others want it more than you do, ask yourself if you really desire it. Many people love iphones. Not all people have the money to buy an iphone, yet I see them pass on other things, but get this phone. This proves that when you really want something, your mind will find ways to get it even if you may think you can't. When you have a deep desire, you will have the drive and the energy to go after what you want.
6) YOU ARE NOT READY. Some of you might not be ready yet. Perhaps it is not the right moment in your self-development to take action. Perhaps you will find the drive later in life. That is alright. Each person has a specific moment in life when he is ready for change and transformation. When the right moment comes, you will feel it, and know it is the time to take action and move yourself forward.
7) TOO OLD, TOO LATE. People in their fifties or sixties feel it is too late to make changes because of their age. It is never too late, and age should not create a barrier for you to set new goals, or allow it to deplete your energy in any way.
I suggest that you examine all of these points and see which one resonates with you the most. Once you are aware of the barriers that prevent you from taking action, you can start by looking at them. Then, do a personal introspection, and see why they are there and where do they come from. Why do you feel fear? Does a specific experience in the past trigger it? Once you do this, you can move forward and see what has given you the drive to take action in the past and what was effective. Each one of us had something that gave us motivation and energy to do something. Right now, are there other domains in your life where you feel very motivated to take action? Why? What motivates you?
I strongly believe that when you really desire something you conquer fears, and you make it a priority in your life. If you don't have the motivation, ask yourself if you really have a strong desire to have what your heart wants and reach a goal, whatever it is. I know one thing, if you want an iphone or a vacation and you can make it happen, then you can reach any goal you set your mind to. You can find the motivation to pursue it, and find time to work on it, even if it means waking up one hour earlier in the morning or going to sleep later to get it done. If you desire results, action needs to be taken in order to bring it into fruition, and not just any action, but one that comes from your intuition. Even the wrong actions are good actions. One day I was walking in my neighborhood, and I heard a little voice saying: "All paths lead to the same destination." Imagine a tree. You tend to it, water it, take care of it, and it grows beautifully. However, you need to take the action to take care of it, or it will not grow and it will die. It is the same in life.
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