Monday, July 20, 2015

6 Easy Solutions To Double Your Motivation

USA, California, Los Angeles, Woman walking up steps : Stock Photo

Throughout my experience coaching, many people have come to me and said that they know what to do to get motivated, but that they have trouble applying their personal tools. You know what you need to do to find more time in your day, but you have trouble putting it into your schedule. For a while you may feel really motivated and schedule your time, but then you fall back into old habits. You feel angry with yourself and frustrated. As a consequence, you end up doing nothing.

So, how do you gain and maintain your motivation? Don't despair! I have 6 Easy Solutions To Double Your Motivation.

6 Easy Solutions To Double Your Motivation:

1) Maintain A Favorable Mindset. Doing some important vibrational routines everyday, can help you maintain your motivation. When you feel energized and you think positively, it helps you feel more motivated than when you have negative thoughts about yourself and life situation.You may know this, except you might still have trouble following through. What can you do? Look at what is preventing you from taking action and following through with what you planned. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

a) What particular thoughts come in when you start to schedule your time? Write your thoughts down, as this will increase your awareness. Being aware and knowing what is happening in your mind, can help you gain control over it.

b) What happened in your childhood every time you tried to take an action? Is there a particular incident you remember? These questions can help unveil the false belief that is preventing you from taking action. Once you discover what it is, you can tackle it, and focus on finding a solution.

c) Are you going through a tough time in your life right now? If yes, think of what can you do to nurture yourself a little. Write down some ideas.

d) What thoughts can bring you closer to your goal? Write down some positive thoughts about yourself. For example.  I am kind.  I am a hard worker.

2) Take Time To Recharge And Rest. If you have been working very hard, you may simply need a break to recharge and rest. It's important at this point to listen to your body and mind and stop for a while. It is alright to take time off. Once you give yourself permission to do so, you will notice that you feel more energized, stronger, and that your mojo comes back. Every time I have taken a break, I have felt my creative juices return. My energy level would be elevated, and I would be ready for action again! Sometimes we tend to force ourselves to work. The more we do that, the more resistance we receive from our body and mind. This is when it is time let go, and allow ourselves to shift gears for a while.

3) Sick Family Members: Some of you may have sick family members that require your attention. This situation makes it more challenging to find time for yourself and your projects. The only way to help that family member and yourself,  is to delegate and ask for assistance from other people or from specific organizations. It is not easy for most people to do this, and it takes great courage. This is necessary, however, if you want to move forward yourself.

4) Integrity: Make a promise to yourself. When you make a promise to yourself, you are more likely to follow through and keep your promises to others as well. Doing this also helps you develop a strong work ethic.

5) Eliminate Worry: Worry can be something that can take away a lot of your energy. Worrying about reaching your goals, failing, not being good enough, and worries about personal life issues, can demotivate you. This is something that is difficult to tackle, but not impossible. I am the queen of worriers. It has been in my family for many years. My mother worries, my father used to worry, and my husband worries. Other family members are worriers too. What I do is focus on what I desire, and take the necessary actions in order to complete my goals. Of course, like any other human being, I have my moments where the "worry talk" can be very real. At these moments, I take a break from what I am doing, and let go. Another way that is effective is journaling. Writing down your thoughts in a journal helps release those negative feelings that hold you back.

6) Exercise: When you exercise, you feel more awake and energized. Find something that you enjoy doing such as walking, sports, or aerobics/dancing.

In using the above tools, I am confident that nothing can stop you from taking action. A strong will and an organized plan can bring you far! All you have to do is be ready! Start forming good habits of work now, and you are on the right path!

For more great tips like the ones above, you can sign up for my newsletter at:

And, if you need someone to help keep you accountable on an individual basis,  please contact me for a complimentary "Triple Your Time Session," by e-mailing me at:

In this session you will get:

-Specific tools to triple your time that are specifically tailored to you.

-Being more organized and efficient so you can have more time for you, time to rest and relax.
- Finding more time for your loved ones so you can spend quality time with them.
-Reducing Overwhelm and stress so you can finally breath.

How we will do this?

-Unveiling what are the important activities you need to focus on
-Making some important decisions pertaining to your schedule
-Creating a new schedule that is more in alignment with you and the life you desire to live
-Identifying what is preventing you from managing your time effciently

At the end of the session, you will come out inspired, re-energized, and relaxed.

 Contact me for a complimentary "Triple Your Time Session" Now. Places are Limited. E-mail me now at

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Black Octopus

One day I had a dream. In fact, it was a nightmare about a black Octopus who was following me in my living room.  I tried to run away from it, hide, but the black Octopus was following me everywhere. It was very ugly, huge, and extremely annoying. I am the kind of person who pays close attention to dreams, because I believe that they contain important messages about ourselves and our lives. Our spirits send us important messages through our dreams. This is another extraordinary way to be aware of what is happening in your subconscious, as long as you can remember them. There are also many books that explains how dreams are related to your soul.

Every time I have a dream, I tend to consult a special dream dictionary. I am a very curious person, and I don't feel calm until I find the answer and the meaning to my dream. Therefore, I searched the dictionary for the significance of this dream. I discovered that the Black Octopus is a sign of someone who is controlling you. This gave me the inspiration to write this blog post. But the Black Octopus is not about people controlling you, but rather how our Ego, which I have now decided to call The Black Octopus, is controlling our thoughts daily.

For a very long time I was in a high vibrational state. Recently however, I started having some health issues, and my vibration has been lowered because of the pain and the inability to move as easily as I once did. The fact of having to stay home and depend on others to help me has not been easy for me. I am usually a pretty active person taking massive action. So now my mind has started wandering and thinking negative thoughts, which in turn is affecting my feelings. These thoughts are so strong, that even doing my regular spiritual work does not seem to be helping as much as it usually does. In addition, I have a sensitivity to cloudy weather. My mood changes drastically influencing my vibration. I am the kind of person who needs a lot of sun.

The lesson for me in all of this, is that there is still unresolved emotional pain I need to deal with. Sometimes, it is simply important to give space to that  pain and sit with it. Not long ago I read a book by Debbie Ford called: The Dark Side Of The Light Chasers. She mentioned this very same thing. Throughout my experience, I am finding she is right. The more I resist the pain, the longer it lingers, and the Black Octopus stays feeling pretty happy making me feel pretty miserable. Sitting with it and allowing it to be here, is having the courage to face my little dark shadows.

 I always try to look at the gift and the lesson of my experience. I believe that in my case, there are 3 important elements happening at the moment to help me grow.

Here are the 3 Important Elements Helping Me To Grow:

1) I feel some negative energy is being cleared because I am doing some special release work.

2) I believe my 3rd eye is growing. This might seem weird to some of you, but I noticed that I get into this mood when my intuition is becoming stronger. It is alright if you don't believe in that. Each of us is different.

3) I am receiving new awareness about situations in my life that have been laying dormant in my subconscious until now.

As the week passes, I am starting to have some awareness about taking responsibility for some personal issues in my life. One of these issues is the way I communicate with family members. I am learning that I have the tendency to be very bossy. I am having a hard time dealing with this. It is not easy for me to see this side of myself. I am also aware that because I am sick, I fall into the "victim mentality" role, and that this repels some people. Even if we are experts or coaches ourselves, our lives are not always perfect. If they were, we wouldn't be able to help others. There are times in our lives when we feel a down period as well. I am noticing it happens to me after I have been in a very high vibrational state.

What are you learning from your experiences when you have such a period of time? How do you cope with it? What learning do you gain from such experiences? Every time I have such a time, I use gratitude, and I try to see the gift in all of it if I can. When I do, the  lessons are revealed to me.

We all have times when we may feel sad angry or any other feelings that put us in a unhappy mood and this when we can take the time to look at our darkness, introspect and see the richness even in those parts we don't like about ourselves and life. Even these moments are necessary to our growth as much as positive thinking. After all we are not born to be perfect, we are born to be human. I am glad to share with you these moments and my intention is to help you reflect on your own and see your inner beauty even in the flows and challenges of life and most of all see the gift and the benefits even if it can be hard.

Triple your time by getting more fabulous highly Effective Tips like this by signing up to my newsletter here:

 If you need someone to keep you accountable to yourself, and need more help on an individual basis, please contact me for a complimentary: "Triple your Time Session"  by e-mailing me at: 

I currently have a summer special  : 6 sessions for 150$. Offer expires July 30. Hurry up and sign up Now! Places are limited and they are going fast.

In this session you will get:

-Specific tools to double your time that are specifically tailored to you
-Being more organized and efficient so you can have more time for you
- Finding time for you and your loved ones so you can spend more quality time with them.

At the end of the session, you will come out inspired, re-energized, and relaxed. Places are limited. Sign up Now!

Monday, July 6, 2015

5 Easy Ways to Have More Time

"I don't have time" is what we hear often when we meet someone. Sometimes we may hear, I am overwhelmed. How do you find more time? How do you organize your time better?

Chalene Johnson says it is not in doing more that you will be productive, but by knowing what matters to you the most, and focusing your activities around it.

One of the problems women face is wanting to do everything. We do it because we want to please everyone. We may be afraid of disappointing someone. As a consequence, we end up having a lot on our shoulders. We feel overwhelmed, exhausted, tired, angry. We may even lose the passion for what we are doing. In some cases, it can start to affect our health.

The good news is that there are always ways to find more time. Here are 5 ways that have worked for me and my clients.


1) Choices: We make choices everyday. We choose to eat, watch TV, spend time with our families, go to the computer. However, there is a different category of choices, and that is what I call "Tough Choices". These are the choices we don't want to make, but that are necessary for the growth of our business. The way we make these choices is by getting clear on what are the most important elements in our life. I have been an entrepreneur for seven years. In the beginning when I started my business, I was very happy because I had thought I would  have more time with my family. As I learned more about business  I realized I had to make some tough choices. I had to decide about spending time with my family versus working on my business. I chose to focus most of my time on my business. Now before you jump out at me, there is a way you can create a life balance, but perhaps not in the way you expect. What I mean by that, is that there are some responsibilities you might have to give up, and what they are really depends on you. One of the tasks I gave up was doing housework. I decided to hire someone to do this for me. This is not something that is easy for women to do, but if you really desire your business to work, there are some elements that need to be eliminated in order to create more space in your life to work on what is important to you. You may feel like pleasing everyone, but in doing this you may give up pleasing yourself. I strongly believe that the only way to be in harmony with and take care of others, is by putting yourself first, and listening to your needs and desires.

If family is your top priority, that means you will have less time to work on your business. It perhaps will take longer for your business to be profitable. In that case, I believe it is important to work with your guilt of not working on your business as much as you would like to, and find a way to accept this. If the situation is the opposite, it is important to accept the fact that you will devote more time to your business and less time to your family. At some point when your business grows, then you can hire professionals and delegate more tasks, creating more space in your life for your family and other interests.

Personally, what I do is work more on my business at some points in the year, except on weekends and evenings. Weekends and evenings are devoted to family time. On weekdays, I work more hours.

The best way to find out what works for you,  is to do what I call a What is Important To Me List  In this list, write 4-5 of the most important things for you in your life based on your values. On my list, I have the following right now: Spiritual work, Self-Care, Workshops, Communicating With Prospect Clients and Clients, Coaching. This is what I spend most of my week doing.

2) Finding Time To Work On Your Business If You Work Full Time: While I was giving a workshop on time-management at the beginning of the month, some participants brought to my attention that one of their challenges is finding the time to work on their business because they work full time. My question to you is, how much do you really really desire to have a successful business? How much do you love what you do? If the answer is yes I really really desire it, then there is nothing that will stop you. If you are finding excuses of not having the time, then re-evaluate if you are on the right path. I understand that it is not easy at all to have a full time job, come home and work even more. However, if it is your passion, it should not feel like work at all. Go back and ask yourself  these questions;
why are you in this business?
Why did you choose to have this business?
I know business owners who have children, a full time job, and they find time to work on their own business mostly in the evening. They may spend an hour or more per day, depending on their ability to stay up late at night. It doesn't have to be many hours, even one or two a day or night will take you far. I believe it is important to do it consistently.

3) Eliminate The Interruptions: In order to be more productive, it is very important to eliminate the interruptions such as e-mail, phone, TV, and internet. Perhaps you know this already, but you have trouble putting it into play. Every day when I'm about to start working, I close my TV, and while I work,  I don't answer the phone. Now, if you know you will be tempted to answer the phone, turn it off. If you are a TV addict, find a different place where you can work that doesn't have a TV. I know some business owners who don't work at home go to a library, a coffee place, anywhere out of the house. There are also some business owners who rent an office to avoid the problem of distractions.

As for e-mails, phone calls or other distractions, do it after you have done all the important tasks you  planned. Set an activity you like as a reward for yourself for having a productive day and accomplishing the most important tasks on your list.

If you are still having trouble, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

a) Why do you need to look at your e-mails three or more times a day? Do you have any urgent messages?

b) Why do you need to answer the phone? Is there a way you can get back to someone later on? Do you absolutely need to answer the phone now? Is it a matter of life or death?

c) Why is it important?

d) What other ways can you find to eliminate these distractions?

e) Is there something that prevents you from taking action? What is it? Take the time to think about this question. For example, I have a client who doesn't like structure. She is afraid of losing her freedom. I have other clients who are afraid they will fail, or feel they are not good enough. They have trouble doing certain tasks because of this.What is it for you? Sometimes it may simply be a fear or a false belief you have that prevents you from reaching your goals.

f) Find an accountability partner to remind you to stay focused or hire a coach. I suggest to find someone who is reliable, a person you can count on.

4) Focus On Important Tasks: Now go back to the What is Important to Me List. Based on this list, decide what are 3-5 activities you will work on this week. They will be the ones that will bring you the most income for your business. Focus on accomplishing those activities first. Being productive is not about doing more, but about doing less, and doing it well. When you do too many things, you tend to focus your attention on activities that are not very important, and you end up feeling tired. This also creates stress. There are some people who are able to function well under fatigue, but most of us can't perform very well when we feel exhausted. When you do less, you are more rested. This will increase your focus which will help you perform better.

Here are some other questions to assist you in managing your time better:

a) What activities are activities that generate income for you?

b) What tasks are related to your current goals?

c) What are some activities that will bring you closer to your goals?

d) What specific tasks are related to your "What is Important To Me List"?

5) Decide how long each task will take. For example, when I do my spiritual work, I know it will take me about an hour and half to two hours. I do this first thing in the morning, and I start my work at ten thirty in the morning. I know it will take me about an hour a day to write my blog. This includes brainstorming, proof reading, and polishing it until it is good enough to publish. It is important to know how long each task takes you to do. Sometimes it may happen that one task will take you longer than you have anticipated, and that is fine. At this moment, you need to adjust your schedule differently. For example, you go to a networking event, it is important to know it will take longer. It is important to calculate the commuting time, the time you stay, the time you may want to talk with others. Knowing how long each task may take, can help you be better prepared.

Managing your time can be easy with a few tools in hand. Good time-management is about doing less and focusing on what is important to you, rather than being in a race to do more. I strongly believe it is important to do quality work, rather than rush, become stressed, and really not being able to finish tasks. By doing only what is essential, you save time and stress. This allows you to take breaks, relax, and most of all, enjoy your work as well as serving your clients better.

 To get more powerful tips like this, you can sign up for my newsletter at You can also find videos and other tools that can help you manage your time more efficiently.

If you need someone to keep you accountable to yourself, and need more help on an individual basis, please contact me for a complimentary: "Double your Time Session"  by e-mailing me at: 

In this session you will get:

-Specific tools to double your time that are specifically tailored to you
-Being more organized and efficient so you can have more time for you
- Finding time for you and your loved ones so you can spend more quality time with them.

At the end of the session, you will come out inspired, re-energized, and relaxed. Places are limited. Sign up Now!

Monday, June 15, 2015

How to Find The Drive to Take Actions Towards Your Goals

When it comes to time-management, you often know what you need to do. But when it comes time to take action, you can't seem to feel the drive to do it. Many times I give speeches about time-management, and I often hear people say they lack the drive to take action. Recently, I gave a speech about time-management, and the issue came up again. Two of my participants said, "We know we need to set priorities, make choices etc. But when it comes to working on our business, we are not as motivated to take action towards our goals."

This news really bothered me. So I decided to take action and do some more research on the subject. Some of the information I found did not surprise me, and some did. This weekend I watched a Tony Robbins video where he spoke about why some people take massive action and others don't.

 Here are 7 of the reasons why people are either motivated or not motivated to take action towards their goals. Some were revealed to me through this interesting video, and some were my own personal observations over the years.

1) FEAR: Fear is the #1 reason why people don't take action. People are afraid they will fail. I also personally noticed that people are fearful of change. Many people prefer not to take action because they feel comfortable being where they are and with what is familiar to them. The problem is remaining in your comfort-zone just keeps you stuck in the same pattern you are. When you get the courage to step out of what is familiar to you and try something new and scary, it helps you overcome your fears and opens your mind to possibilities. Tony Robbins says that all you need to do is to take very small actions. Not everyone is ready to take big massive actions. If this is the case, simply start with small ones.

2) YOUR MISSION. People don't know their why. I personally believe that before we do anything, it is important to know why we are doing it. Most people don't think about this question. Why are you selling X product? What is your goal? How can you serve people with these products? However, there is another why and it is what I personally call your life mission. I strongly believe we all have a mission on this earth, to contribute to this world in a positive way, a way that can change the world for the better. Sadly, most people don't know what theirs is. What happens is they don't have a reason to take action. When you know your mission, the reason of your existence on this earth, you naturally feel motivated, propelled and even excited to take action. In addition, your life begins to have more meaning.

3) YOUR MUST. Tony Robbins says that people need a  must, meaning people need to feel they must do something. I am one of these people who believe that what I am doing is a must. I am a very self-driven person. This comes by having the determination and ambition to achieve.

4) FAITH. This means faith that whatever you are doing is possible. In the month of May this year, I gave a workshop on how to find your passion and pursue it. I had one participant who thinks she cannot realize her dream. She believes it is impossible. Since she was a young child, she was taught that her dream of being a designer cannot be realized. In the country where she lived, there were no designer schools. Unfortunately, she grew up with the false idea that it is impossible to achieve what she desired. She lived the rest of her life feeling unhappy because she felt she cannot fulfill her passion. Faith in yourself and in your dream and goals, is crucial in finding the drive to do what you desire. This is what gives you the fuel to take action. If you don't believe you can accomplish something, then you perhaps don't believe in your own capabilities. It is possible that your journey will not be easy, but there is a saying: "Whatever you conceive and believe you can achieve."-Natalie Ledwell

5) A STRONG AND DEEP DESIRE. Do you really really desire it? Whatever your goal is, do you really desire it? If you don't feel motivated to take action and others want it more than you do, ask yourself if you really desire it. Many people love iphones. Not all people have the money to buy an iphone, yet I see them pass on other things, but get this phone. This proves that when you really want something, your mind will find ways to get it even if you may think you can't. When you have a deep desire, you will have the drive and the energy to go after what you want.

6) YOU ARE NOT READY. Some of you might not be ready yet. Perhaps it is not the right moment in your self-development to take action. Perhaps you will find the drive later in life. That is alright. Each person has a specific moment in life when he is ready for change and transformation. When the right moment comes, you will feel it, and know it is the time to take action and move yourself forward.

7) TOO OLD, TOO LATE. People in their fifties or sixties  feel it is too late to make changes because of their age. It is never too late, and age should not create a barrier for you to set new goals, or allow it to deplete your energy in any way.

I suggest that you examine all of these points and see which one resonates with you the most. Once you are aware of the barriers that prevent you from taking action, you can start by looking at them. Then, do a personal introspection, and see why they are there and where do they come from. Why do you feel fear? Does a specific experience in the past trigger it? Once you do this, you can move forward and see what has given you the drive to take action in the past and what was effective. Each one of us had something that gave us motivation and energy to do something. Right now, are there  other domains in your life where you feel very motivated to take action? Why? What motivates you?

I strongly believe that when you really desire something you conquer fears, and you make it a priority in your life. If you don't have the motivation, ask yourself if you really have a strong desire to have what your heart wants and reach a goal, whatever it is. I know one thing,  if you want an iphone or a vacation and you can make it happen, then you can reach any goal you set your mind to. You can find the motivation to pursue it, and find time to work on it, even if it means waking up one hour earlier in the morning or going to sleep later to get it done. If you desire results, action needs to be taken in order to bring it into fruition, and not just any action, but one that comes from your intuition. Even the wrong actions are good actions. One day I was walking in my neighborhood, and I heard a little voice saying: "All paths lead to the same destination." Imagine a tree. You tend to it, water it, take care of it, and it grows beautifully. However, you need to take the action to take care of it, or it will not grow and it will die. It is the same in life.

For more powerful and super effective tips, sign up for my newsletter:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ignite Your Passion: 3 Effective Ways to Get Clear about Your Passion.

Do you feel tired of going to a job you don’t like? Do you come home feeling unhappy, exhausted, stressed out, unsatisfied, and empty?
 Imagine for a moment, that you can have the possibility to turn this around,
and instead wake up in the morning feeling enthusiastic and excited to start your day. Yes, it is possible!

I found my passion in 2006, but for a long time, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. I was just
 like you, unclear, feeling insecure, frustrated, empty, exhausted, and bored. I worked in a job that I thought I liked, but didn’t. The worst part was I was not successful, and I didn’t know why. The reason was because
 I didn’t like it, but I was not aware of it at the time. 

The problem is that you do what you don’t love, because that is what society dictates to you.  You do it
 because you want to please others and have their approval. This is what you were taught thinking it was
 right and you go home feeling unsatisfied, unhappy, stressed out and empty. Sometimes you want to do 
what  you love, but you don’t know what it is. You don’t believe you can accomplish it, or worse, you are
afraid to even think that you have that possibility. You also may want to do something, however, you are
 unclear about what it is. 
You may have many ideas of what you desire to do, but you can’t decide which one is the right idea. You 
are afraid to even think about it
 or consider it, because you feel it is impossible to achieve.  Imagine a box where you place your desire. 
You lock it with a key and never look at it again. The problem is this desire is still burning in your heart
 yearning to be expressed.

When you love what you do, you feel happier, more satisfied with your life, enthusiastic, successful and 
 Each woman deserves to do something she loves to do for a career or even a hobby. Each woman deserves
 to be happy.

Why do you need to follow your passion?  Why it is important? It is important to follow your passion,
because it brings happiness to your life. This happiness is essential to your well-being, self-esteem, health, as well as your relationship with others. When you follow your passion, you have freedom. You do something that is
 authentic to you. 

Imagine coming home to your family feeling relaxed and satisfied with your day. You feel your heartbeat
 go a hundred miles an hour. You feel more energized. There is a smile on your face. Money starts flowing
in because people feel the vibration of deep love. You feel happy in your work, and as a consequence, you get to be more present with your
 family and give them more attention.  Most of all, you are being a good example, a champion to your 
children. When you follow your heart,
 you show them what makes you happy, and that taking care of yourself is important. This in turn makes 
them happy, and they learn that
they matter to you and to themselves. They see that it is important to do what they love in life, to be happy, and live a meaningful life being authentic to who they are.

Imagine for a moment how it is to go to a job every day that you don’t like. You need the money, but come home feeling miserable. Then, you are so busy thinking how miserable you are at work, that you may not be as present as you would like to be with your children and your partner. Yes, you may have the income you desire, but if you are not happy, your loved ones won’t be happy either. It affects you and your 
relationships. Why live a miserable unhappy life, when you can live a happy one and give a hundred
 percent to those you love and who love 
you back? I strongly believe that every single minute of the day you make a choice in how you desire to

Now, you may agree with all of this, but you may feel unclear about what it is you would like to do for a
living. You may be working in a job that you don’t like, and thinking of finding something that lights a
fire in your heart, but you don’t know how to get clear. In this blog, I will show you 3 Effective Ways to
get clear about your passion and how to ignite it.


1) Take a journey back to your childhood.

What are some of the activities you liked to do as a child? When you were a child, what did you dream
about becoming when you grew up? What were some games you loved to play? Whatever you dreamed
about as a child, can give you a clue to what you really desire. We get so caught up in trying to be
 realistic, that we forget to dream and get in 
touch with our inner child. That inner child has many answers for us about what we are truly passionate
 about. Be fearless, and go back to that 
time when you weren’t afraid to dream. Write down your thoughts, record them, or speak to a friend who is a good listener, as well as
open and supportive. 

2) Too many options? Which one to choose?

You may be someone who has many ideas about what it is you would like to pursue as your passion, but
you are unable to choose JUST ONE. In this case, write down all of your options. Choose five that
 resonate most with you. 
Then, put a number next to each of them on a scale of 110, 1 being the lowest, and 10 being the highest.  
Next, narrow it down to three options. Put a number of preference again. By now, you should have an 
answer. Observe daily how you feel 
about this option. Get quiet each day, and simply observe what feelings come up. Write them down.

3) Getting to Know Yourself.

What are some of your values? Many times, lack of clarity may appear because you may not know yourself as well as you think you do.
 Knowing what your values are, can help you find a job that aligns with who
 you really are, and what you value most. This can bring you closer to what you are meant to do on this
earth. Knowing what your beliefs are, is another way to getting more in touch with yourself. What are some of your beliefs?
 Why do you believe in them? What do you like? What do you dislike? What matters most to you in life? 

Now, your exciting assignment is to apply these exercises in your life. Leave a comment below on how it
 has worked for you. We looked at three main points; 1) what activities you liked as a child, 2) narrowing
down your options, and 3) discovering your values. If you have any questions, I will be more than happy
to answer and support you on this journey by helping you get motivated to take action.

Remember, when you discover your passion, you will live a happier, richer, more abundant life from within.   You will feel a sense of 
wholeness. Life will become more meaningful, and you will feel a sense of
direction and purpose. Time will go so fast that you will feel as if you are dancing through it! Imagine two
flowers; one that is dying, and one that is blooming and flourishing. Which flower do you desire to be?
 It is all about planting the seed, watering it, and allowing this seed to grow into the flower of who you are,  and what you are meant to do in
 this world. Only you can choose which path to take. I hope that you will choose to go after your dreams.

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