Throughout my experience coaching, many people have come to me and said that they know what to do to get motivated, but that they have trouble applying their personal tools. You know what you need to do to find more time in your day, but you have trouble putting it into your schedule. For a while you may feel really motivated and schedule your time, but then you fall back into old habits. You feel angry with yourself and frustrated. As a consequence, you end up doing nothing.
So, how do you gain and maintain your motivation? Don't despair! I have 6 Easy Solutions To Double Your Motivation.
6 Easy Solutions To Double Your Motivation:
1) Maintain A Favorable Mindset. Doing some important vibrational routines everyday, can help you maintain your motivation. When you feel energized and you think positively, it helps you feel more motivated than when you have negative thoughts about yourself and life situation.You may know this, except you might still have trouble following through. What can you do? Look at what is preventing you from taking action and following through with what you planned. Here are some questions to ask yourself.
a) What particular thoughts come in when you start to schedule your time? Write your thoughts down, as this will increase your awareness. Being aware and knowing what is happening in your mind, can help you gain control over it.
b) What happened in your childhood every time you tried to take an action? Is there a particular incident you remember? These questions can help unveil the false belief that is preventing you from taking action. Once you discover what it is, you can tackle it, and focus on finding a solution.
c) Are you going through a tough time in your life right now? If yes, think of what can you do to nurture yourself a little. Write down some ideas.
d) What thoughts can bring you closer to your goal? Write down some positive thoughts about yourself. For example. I am kind. I am a hard worker.
2) Take Time To Recharge And Rest. If you have been working very hard, you may simply need a break to recharge and rest. It's important at this point to listen to your body and mind and stop for a while. It is alright to take time off. Once you give yourself permission to do so, you will notice that you feel more energized, stronger, and that your mojo comes back. Every time I have taken a break, I have felt my creative juices return. My energy level would be elevated, and I would be ready for action again! Sometimes we tend to force ourselves to work. The more we do that, the more resistance we receive from our body and mind. This is when it is time let go, and allow ourselves to shift gears for a while.
3) Sick Family Members: Some of you may have sick family members that require your attention. This situation makes it more challenging to find time for yourself and your projects. The only way to help that family member and yourself, is to delegate and ask for assistance from other people or from specific organizations. It is not easy for most people to do this, and it takes great courage. This is necessary, however, if you want to move forward yourself.
4) Integrity: Make a promise to yourself. When you make a promise to yourself, you are more likely to follow through and keep your promises to others as well. Doing this also helps you develop a strong work ethic.
5) Eliminate Worry: Worry can be something that can take away a lot of your energy. Worrying about reaching your goals, failing, not being good enough, and worries about personal life issues, can demotivate you. This is something that is difficult to tackle, but not impossible. I am the queen of worriers. It has been in my family for many years. My mother worries, my father used to worry, and my husband worries. Other family members are worriers too. What I do is focus on what I desire, and take the necessary actions in order to complete my goals. Of course, like any other human being, I have my moments where the "worry talk" can be very real. At these moments, I take a break from what I am doing, and let go. Another way that is effective is journaling. Writing down your thoughts in a journal helps release those negative feelings that hold you back.
6) Exercise: When you exercise, you feel more awake and energized. Find something that you enjoy doing such as walking, sports, or aerobics/dancing.
In using the above tools, I am confident that nothing can stop you from taking action. A strong will and an organized plan can bring you far! All you have to do is be ready! Start forming good habits of work now, and you are on the right path!
For more great tips like the ones above, you can sign up for my newsletter at:
And, if you need someone to help keep you accountable on an individual basis, please contact me for a complimentary "Triple Your Time Session," by e-mailing me at:
In this session you will get:
-Specific tools to triple your time that are specifically tailored to you.
-Being more organized and efficient so you can have more time for you, time to rest and relax.
- Finding more time for your loved ones so you can spend quality time with them.
-Reducing Overwhelm and stress so you can finally breath.
How we will do this?
-Unveiling what are the important activities you need to focus on
-Making some important decisions pertaining to your schedule
-Creating a new schedule that is more in alignment with you and the life you desire to live
-Identifying what is preventing you from managing your time effciently
At the end of the session, you will come out inspired, re-energized, and relaxed.
Contact me for a complimentary "Triple Your Time Session" Now. Places are Limited. E-mail me now at